ATL Solutions started out as an IT training company under the name ADECS Training Limited. It’s not just our name that’s evolved. We have too. As people and as a company.


I joined the company last year after previously being coached by and working with ATL founder, Helen Brewster. I now work closely with Helen to translate her thoughts, ideas, and passion to your screens, where you can read and experience more of the uniquely engaging and purposeful training and support that Helen and ATL provides.

As a coach, she was everything I needed as a 22-year-old graduate. She is stern but kind and without doing the work for me, she motivated me to grow and find purpose. The business I was working on at 22 turned out not to be for me, but 6 years later, I have a successful new business that is my main source of income, and all the principles Helen taught me remain the same.

Having worked with Helen personally as well as experiencing her light and passion with a wide variety of clients, I couldn’t respond in any other way to her invitation to work with her, than an ecstatic yes. I knew working with Helen would be more than a paycheck. And here’s why.

ATL Solutions focuses on peoples’ needs, and over their 23 years of business Helen and the team have never compromised on their values and ethics. Always providing you with a tailored service whether it is coaching, training, or something in between. And that’s why we now offer a wide range of soft and hard training skills to meet the market’s needs.

This person-focused attitude extends to the team, when I asked Helen why she put so much energy into her values here’s what she said:

“When I set ATL up it was with the sole intention of the training we deliver to be of use.

I didn’t do well at school and was told ‘exams were not my forte’, as a result for many years I avoided training as it was a place I felt I would get lost – all of our trainers use a practical style designed to give you an end result of being able to apply the skills learnt.

Proud to say all our trainers and facilitators have huge knowledge and all go above and beyond to deliver in a way that ensures everyone can leave a session confident in being able to do more and improve ways of working; no one is left feeling lost!”

What do we mean by business values? – Business values often have nothing to do with your service or product, it’s about guiding a company’s culture and purpose. It helps the whole team sing from the same hymn sheet and understand WHY you’re doing what you do.

If you’re feeling a bit lost in your business, here are a few things to think about to be more than just a business and (hopefully!) feel happier and more fulfilled.

  1. Embed your values into your day-to-day business

Out of sight out of mind. It’s easy to forget why we started our business when we are busy with the trials and tribulations of running a small business. However, this is often why we can feel lost sometimes. Take the time to talk about your values with your team regularly, even have them written around your workspace to keep them at the forefront of everyone’s mind. They are equally as important as your KPIs.

  1. Employ people who have the same values as you

You will find plenty of people with the right skills but few with the same values as you. Go for the person who matches your values over the person who has pages of experience. This person will work because they care about you and the business, growing with you.

  1. Be someone who people WANT to work for

When we start a small business, we are often put into leadership roles without undertaking any formal training. Invest in yourself and your team. It’s ok to not be a natural leader but by investing in creating a positive environment you will get the most out of your team AND new applicants.

  1. More than the money

Of course, you set up your business to make a living, but you should also have goals that aren’t about making money at all. These should be about your purpose and your values, think back to WHY you set up your business. Working towards something meaningful beyond your financial statements will fill you with more purpose.

As our 24th birthday is in sight, we have taken this opportunity to look back at all the people who we helped fall in love with learning and their jobs again. We look forward to another 24 years (fingers crossed) of growing with our clients.

Thanks for reading.


Ipek recently joined the ATL team and works in the background with Helen to support our valued clients with all things admin and marketing. During her degree, Ipek worked as a photographer and videographer before starting her career in entrepreneurship where she developed and delivered a series of Social Enterprise training programmes both across the West Midlands and Internationally. Ipek’s focus is impact-driven marketing which she also delivers to a number of clients through her own business.